Small scale breeding of Irish terriers

The aim of the breeding is physically and mentally well functioning dogs according to the guidelines of the Swedish Kennel Club´s and the Swedish Irish Terrier Club.

We live just outside Stockholm on an island called Färingsö. The surroundings consists mainly of forest, fields and water so the dogs have plenty of space to get excercised in.

As a child I was crazy about dogs and finally I got a Dalmatian when I was 12 years old. She turned out to be a good one and I showed her and took part in junior handler competions as a teenager. In my upper teens I worked at the retriever kennel Apports where they also had a Bullterrier and a Smooth Fox Terrier. These two were real personalities and one of the reasons to that I have irish terriers today, that I show and work with.

As an adult I had a Golden Retriever from Apports' kennel, and then there were also years without dogs.

Welcome to give us a call or send an e-mail if you have questions about the breed and an interest in Irish Terriers. You will find the contact information at the bottom of this page.

Annika Vänje

The B-litter born in May 2014

Ch Myrddin's Footprints To Follow X Ch Sorrel Hill Join The Storm

Two bitches out of four from the C-litter, born in May 2016.

O'Rowanne Ciara & O'Rowanne Caiomhe

(Ch O'Rowanne Fairground Attraction x Ch Red Wire Daredevil)

Phone: +46 70-7939288
